Sunday, April 19, 2009

Profile for Week 4

Sorry, this piece is rather long. It is quite engaging though.


  1. This is definitely an engaging piece. It's interesting how the author weeds through the information, first trying to take in the town by himself (I'm assuming Alex is a man...), then talking to people like Neil and friends of the people who killed themselves. Scattered throughout, the research that supports and contradicts his conclusions really adds something.

    I'm interested in talking about what makes this a profile. The county is profiled and the individuals who died really aren't, and the friends and community members are to some extent. The greater theme, of course, is cluster suicides. It seems to work well together, but I can't articulate exactly why.

  2. I can't decide if I'm supposed to laugh at some of this article. The way the writer uses words like "shittiness" to describe the quality of life, or using "fuck" on page four. Also, the way Neil talked about the suicides, like the kids are just a bunch of weaklings who can't handle life, and the one guy who did it when he was younger, everyone called "that bastard"--then he calls Margaret Thatcher a bastard. Lastly, when the kid said he felt like shooting himself in the head with a crossbow, I almost laughed.
    I don't think I'm being insensitive, I take suicide extremely seriously, but the way this was written lends itself to a few chuckles. Maybe it's the "Oh my gosh, this is horrific" kind of uncomfortable chuckles, but chuckles nonetheless.
    It's really interesting, though, and the author really captures some of the interviewees well.
    Lastly, I don't respect the bit about women being concerned with how they look when they commit suicide. I think that the fact someone actually wrote that down seriously after someone else thought up that little assbag of an idea is an insult to women everywhere.

  3. This article is nuts! It's definitely dark and sardonically humorous which is what I like, like the analogy to one jay walker cueing everyone else to kill themselves. It's only right that this stuff takes place in the U.K where everything is depressing, with side notes to the U.S and Japan where adolescents are crrrrrazy! But Brigend specifically is interesting because it sounds so pleasant, misfortune occurring under a pleasentville exterior is always interesting.
    I think its really well written, it's a grim but engaging topic, and if you don't take the topic super seriously, you'll have a good time reading it. I do agree with Emily that a profile on one kid would be interesting but you'd have to get 'em before they kill themselves which would be a challenge.
